Old Mac Software

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  1. Old Mac Software Free
  2. Old Mac Software Recording Audio
  3. Old Mac Software

Looking to download safe free versions of the latest software for Mac, freeware, shareware and demo programs from a reputable download site? Visit FileHippo today. Emulating your old Mac's OS is also a great way to get at software on a Mac that no longer works – it's a sort of virtual repair. Basilisk II can emulate a Macintosh Classic or a Macintosh II,.

Software versions change within a blink of an eye these days. Just look at the number of updates we have for Google Chrome or Firefox. We abandon the old and consign it to the great digital heap of things called Abandonware. But older or previous versions of software have their uses too.

Let's take the example of disused computers given away for free to the needy. They can be made functional for educational purposes with old software which you needn't pay for. Then there are instances when someone (especially the elderly) is so used to working on the old version, that they find it difficult to change over. Whatever be the reason, there are quite a few sites which cater to your search for old versions of software and their free download.

Editor's note:

Old Mac Software Free

Over the years, I've personally found a lot of use for old versions of software. They come in handy usually when a new version breaks things or works in the way I wouldn't want it to. That's when I decide to uninstall it and go back to the previous version of the tool.

Old Apps

OldApps.com opens with a page on Windows. But there's a section on Mac and Linux versions too. Software are neatly arranged in categories. So you have older messengers, browsers, audio utilities, file sharing apps and more. There's a small section on drivers too. All software have their own page where each version is listed chronologically with version number and release date.


You can help out by adding a version too especially if you develop your own software. Every app is scanned for viruses and malware, so the software are all safe to download. Also check the Most Popular and Newly Added older version software sections on the side column. The site also has a community discussion board with nearly 3000 members. You can put in a request for a specific software here.

Old Version

Oldversion.com, at least on the face of it, looks more polished than the previous one. The site lists 7195 versions of 1938 programs. All three platforms are represented – Windows, Mac, Linux, and there are games too. I especially like the addition of the games category, because gaming programs are very spec-sensitive, and a newer version usually hates to run on older systems.

Use the large search engine on top, or drill down through the categories. You can again upload your copy to the site and earn some points (and redeem then for prizes). The site has a full-fledged forum where you can as for support, and a nice blog which is worth a read.

As one blog entry on Oldversion.com says, outdated software are artifacts that must be preserved. But their real use lies in promoting computer education through low-resource computers. Mojave requirements macbook air.

Have you ever deliberately looked for older versions of software for a particular need?

The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.Also See#linux #Lists

Did You Know


You can help out by adding a version too especially if you develop your own software. Every app is scanned for viruses and malware, so the software are all safe to download. Also check the Most Popular and Newly Added older version software sections on the side column. The site also has a community discussion board with nearly 3000 members. You can put in a request for a specific software here.

Old Version

Oldversion.com, at least on the face of it, looks more polished than the previous one. The site lists 7195 versions of 1938 programs. All three platforms are represented – Windows, Mac, Linux, and there are games too. I especially like the addition of the games category, because gaming programs are very spec-sensitive, and a newer version usually hates to run on older systems.

Use the large search engine on top, or drill down through the categories. You can again upload your copy to the site and earn some points (and redeem then for prizes). The site has a full-fledged forum where you can as for support, and a nice blog which is worth a read.

As one blog entry on Oldversion.com says, outdated software are artifacts that must be preserved. But their real use lies in promoting computer education through low-resource computers. Mojave requirements macbook air.

Have you ever deliberately looked for older versions of software for a particular need?

The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.Also See#linux #Lists

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Right so I recently tried to update my macbook pro since I need it to be more up to date, but I simply can't.

Old Mac Software Recording Audio

If I try update to anywhere in el capitan, it says my mac must be '10.11 or higher', but as it turns out I can't get the original el capitan update, thus It's impossible for me to update to that.

Okay, so then I try update to Sierra, and it says the same thing, except this time it's '10.12 or higher'. But, of course, I can't get the original sierra update so the rest of the update packages are completely useless.

So you're now bound to tell me that I should be able to update straight to high sierra from the app store. But no, I get that message which says 'The recovery server could not be contacted'. So I googled around for that and found that it was most likely something to do with the date set in my Mac. So I tried that fix, didn't change anything and I'm still getting the message every day for weeks (since some people said you just have to keep trying since Apple's servers get loads of traffic with a new update).

Old Mac Software

This is getting beyond ridiculous, please help me update my **** Mac. It's causing me grief, it needs to be updated, but after having tried all of google's solutions I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible. But I'm no computer wiz so someone please tell me what to do!!

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.5) Coreldraw 21 2 0 708 cc.

Fastcommander 1 6 – dual pane file manager. Posted on

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